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07 05 LNDC Seminario noticiaSeminário "Evaluation of Hydrogen-Induced Degradation of Steel Through Multispectral Analysis of Magnetic Barkhausen Noise" Com o Prof. Grzegorz Psuj (West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland).

Data: 09/05 (quinta-feira)
Horário: 10:30h
Local: Auditório LNDC

Resumo do CV do Prof. Grzegorz Psuj (Short CV):

Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT), Szczecin, 2005. Grzegorz obtained the PhD degree in technical sciences in 2010, defending the dissertation entitled "Fusion of the results of electromagnetic testing methods for heterogeneity of conductive and magnetic structures" at the ZUT. For the defended dissertation, he received the distinction of the Electrical Faculty Council and the award of the Rector of ZUT. In March 2019, for the scientific achievement entitled "Multi-source data exploration and fusion for the needs of electromagnetic non-destructive testing" he obtained a habilitation (a postdoctoral degree) in the field of technical sciences, in the discipline of electrical engineering. From October 2019 he is holding a position of a university professor at ZUT in Szczecin. He is a co-founder of the Center for Electromagnetic Fields Engineering and High-Frequency Techniques (CEFE&HFT) established in 2021 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, under which he manages the Laboratory of Magnetic Measurement and is a member of the EMC Testing and Certification Laboratory.
His research interests are related to the development and use of electromagnetic test methods for the need of assessing the properties and condition of materials. He also deals with the use of advanced analysis methods, including multi-source data mining and fusion.
